Wednesday, December 17, 2014

We don’t always need the things we want

We’re all consumers. There’s no way around it nowadays. We’re bombarded by the media convincing us that what we really need is what they’re selling. The bigger house, the more efficient car, the faster computer, the less-clumping mascara – you’ll be smarter, more powerful, and much more gorgeous! It’s all just hype. We know that, but we still sit mesmerized by the 2am infomercials telling us how much better of a cook we’ll be with this latest high-tech invention, or how much cleaner our carpets will be using this state of the art vacuum. It’s absolutely amazing!

I’m not saying don’t buy things. We need many of these things. In the last couple years I’ve pared down my frivolous spending ten-fold. Consciously thinking about every purchase takes work. And sometimes it’s really, really annoying. “But I really want that! It’s so cool!” But do I need it? Not likely. I have everything I need to live. And, of course, if my vacuum breaks, I’ll research the best one for the best deal. Sometimes the latest, greatest model really is the best deal – but not always.

Personally, I’ve done this because, besides the money savings, I’ve wanted to get out of that “consumerist” attitude. I’d rather have money to spend on things like organic foods and fun life experiences. Oh, and wine. I don’t want “things”, I want to enjoy life. And to do that I need to take care of myself by eating as well as I can, and balancing work and life by getting out, having fun and doing things I enjoy.

To me, “the basics” not only include food, shelter and clothing. The basics of life should also embrace health, peace of mind, happiness, and love. Oftentimes, these necessities are overlooked as secondary goals. They’re not. Life is the experience we have while we exist in this consciousness. Every one of us deserves every one of these basics of life – no one is exempt. No one.

I’ve seen people short-change themselves for the happiness of another. This does not work. If you’re not happy then how can a loved one be happy with you? I’ve seen people cut down because of another person. How can that person truly be happy by crushing their loved ones self-worth? They can’t. You need to start with yourself. You are the only one you have control over. Take care to actually require all of the basics in life that you deserve. Keep in mind that you may already have many of these things – we tend to become too focused on what’s missing to see what is already there. And then, once you realize everything you do have, you’ll become empowered knowing that you really do deserve the love and happiness and peace in your heart. You’ll exude that self-worth and that, in turn, will radiate outwards and affect your loved ones in a positive way.

So, while we don't always need what we want, we do deserve the things we may think we're unworthy of. We truly are all worthy.

I wish you a wonderful holiday season!