Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Everything that has substance has a vibration; a force in the world. This includes inanimate objects. A bright red, glass vase has a higher vibration than a gray, ceramic coffee cup for instance. A patch of grass has a lower vibration than a blackberry bush.

Think of choosing your outfit for the day. (Unless you wear the same thing every day.) You decide on a key piece – maybe a blue sweater. It was talking to you. If it wasn’t, you would have picked the yellow pullover. But it was the blue sweater today. From there, the rest of the pieces begin their bidding. The stone-washed jeans call out. The leather loafers. The silver watch. And you walk out the door knowing you’re in the right clothing. You’re comfortable. But what happens if the blue sweater has a spot on it? You hastily go with the yellow pullover and try to “match” the rest together. And then you feel a little “off” all day long. This uncomfortable feeling can be alleviated by not choosing hastily. Close your eyes for a moment and something else will talk to you.

This also works with food. Have you ever seen a menu in a restaurant that makes everything look absolutely delectable? How to choose? Something will talk to you. After perusing the menu, close your eyes – what do you taste? Fettuccini Alfredo? Chicken wings? Fish and chips?

Matching your own internal vibration with objects around you is easily achieved by listening to the world as well as yourself. This works with more than food and clothing. If you listen closely enough to your own internal vibration, you will see what you really need in life. Personally, I believe you already know the answer even if you haven’t posed the question yet. Should I call my sister who I haven’t talked to in 3 years? Is this daycare facility right for my child? Do I take the first job offer or the second? Or neither?

Intellectually, you know what option is better. But you need to have the “gut” feeling to know you’re doing the right thing. If you learn to quiet all of the other “shoulds and should nots” and listen to your feeling, you’ll know the right answer.

I do this every day with both simple and challenging choices and I believe I’ve made the best choices for myself.

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