Friday, March 28, 2014

Soul Mates

Have you ever known people who were self-proclaimed soul mates? Maybe you are one. I’ve never had the experience of that degree of connectedness with a person. I’ve heard about it, read about it, seen it in movies. To me, it always sounded like some kind of hearts and flowers, star-crossed lover-syndrome from the 60’s. I don’t doubt these people have this type of connection to one another, but then isn’t it also possible they’ve had permanent mental alterations from all the LSD they took in college?

Surely people are too technically advanced to be able to have relationships like that nowadays. Friendships have been relegated to how many of your friends’ Facebook posts you “Like”. Dating is best accomplished online as you eagerly await the next “Wink” and then send messages back and forth for weeks until you think can trust them enough to actually meet in person. We move like robots through life, working like crazy and then trying to get any downtime we can in order to meet that “one”. It’s all we can do to find a date, much less someone who actually wants to add the turmoil of a romantic relationship to their life.

But, I know me and while I have enjoyed being by myself, I’m not one to stay that way. I know what I want and what I deserve. And, in reference to the Universe listening, I feel wholeheartedly that I have found it. After a couple of false starts and several more first dates, the tides have turned in my favor.

From the very beginning, the communication between us has just flowed. We’ve put as much on the table as the table will currently hold. Then once all of that information gets filed away, we’ll add more to the table. Nothing is left out, nothing is off-limits. Nothing is judged and everything is accepted. And in throwing everything out there we’ve found that not only are we on the same page, but we are on the same sentence in the same paragraph on the same page.

I am baffled and amazed at this whole experience. Is this even possible? It seems so very incredible, in the literal sense. But, as I’ve always found, it’s pointless to question it. I may never know the answer. And, more precisely, I don’t need to know the answer.


  1. I think we need a bigger table... or at least a bigger filing cabinet! ;-)

