Sunday, May 19, 2013

Public Water Fountains

A man is in the park playing fetch with his Golden Retriever on a warm spring day. It's one of the first nice days of the season so there are several other people are in the park as well. He walks over to the drinking fountain and holds the button on while his dog perches his front paws on the side of the basin and starts lapping at the cool water.

A woman walking by is outraged and says, "That is NOT sanitary! Other PEOPLE are going to want to drink out of that fountain!"

"Well, ma'am," he replied, "I saw a homeless guy washing his underwear in it earlier, so..."

1 comment:

  1. Honey,
    A very valuable observation. I would most certainly rather drinknfrom a fountain that our dogs or others drank from rather than coming in contact with someones discusting, smelly Fruit of the looms!

    Fact- A dogs mouth is cleaner than any humans.

    You are a great doggy mommy!

    Your loving husband.
